Re-Tooling Mediation Skills for Family Lawyers

Event Description

Provider:  Tennnessee Bar Association
Fee for Members:  $245       Fee for /Non-Members:  $420
CME: 6 Hours
For additional information call: 615-383-7421 or email:

8:30- 9:10       Reviewing the Basics of Rule 31 Mediation in TN

.67 Hour General Mediation Issues

9:10-9:50        Update of Mediation & Contract Case Law
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues or Family Law

9:50-10:30      How to Get Past an Impasse
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues

10:30-11:10     Appropriate Use of Technology in Mediations
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues

11:25-12:05    Mediation Dos and Don’ts
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues

1:05-1:45       The Mediation Statement and Preparing the Client for Mediation
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues

1:45-2:25        The Collaborative Engagement
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues or Family Law

2:40-3:20         The Role of the Business Evaluator and Forensic Accountant in Mediation
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues or Family Law

3:20-4:00          The role of the coach, psychologist in the mediation forum
.67 Hour General Mediation Issues or Family Law


United States

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Event Type
Date / Time
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 08:30 AM - Wed, 11/05/2014 - 04:00 PM