A. Administrative Fee
Charles E. Farrell, Administrative Fee for Appointed Counsel (Memo to
Senate Jud. Comm. Jan. 27, 1998)
B. Early Reports and Studies
Final Report: Judiciary Study (Legislative Council Committee 1960)
Elvin E. Overton, The Judicial System and Its Administration in Tennessee:
Potentialities for Reorganization and Improvement - A Comparative
Study (Univ. of Tenn. Government Industry Law Center 1965)
Tennessee Court Study: Defense System Study
(Nat’l Legal Aid & Defender
Ass’n for the Tenn. S. Ct. Exec. Secretary Fall 1977)
C. Indigency Determinations
Proposed Supplemental Affidavit of Indigency
Tennessee Court System Performance Audit Report (Comptroller of the
Treasury, Div. of State Audit (July 2015)
Uniform Affidavit of Indigency (Tennessee)
D. Indigent Defense Commission Materials
Report to the Tennessee Supreme Court (Nov. 1997)
Organizational Structure - Model A
Organizational Structure - Model B
Organizational Structure - Model B1
Organizational Structure - Model C
Organizational Structure - Model D
Capital Litigation Defender - Model 1
E. Indigent Defense Fund
Indigent Fees Paid by the AOC FY2009-2015
Pam Hancock, Indigent Representation Fund (Admin. Office of the Courts
Nov. 2015)
Cletus McWilliams, Depletion of Indigent Counsel Funds – Budget Code302.10 (Memo to House Jud. Comm. Feb. 12, 1992)
Jamie Satterfield, Cost for Concern: Knoxville County Spends Most in State of Indigent Legal Services. (Knoxville News Sentinel Aug. 21, 2011)
Tennessee’s Indigent Defense Fund: A Report to the 107th Tennessee General Assembly (Tenn. Admin. Office of the Courts Jan. 2011)
F. Judicial Districts Information
Judicial District Summary (Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of Research
Apr. 12, 1999)
G. Miscellaneous
David Carroll, DOJ Finds a Lack of Due Process for Children in Memphis
Delinquency Courts (Sixth Amend. Ctr. 2016)
David Carroll, Shelby County, TN (Memphis) Faces Difficult Decisions
in the Wake of Critical DOJ Report (Sixth Amendment Ctr. 2016)
Systems Development Study of Alternative Defense Services for
Montgomery County, Tennessee (Nat’l Ctr. for Defense Management May
H. Public Defenders
County Bond Information for Misdemeanors from 2014-2015
TDPDC Compilation and Statistics
David Carroll, Tennessee Undermines Own Values in Providing Counsel to
the Poor (Sixth Amendment Ctr. Oct. 2014)
Tae M Choo, et al., Stress Levels Among Public Defenders in Tennessee, 45 Crim. L. Bull. 3 (2009)
Early Representation by Defense Counsel Field Test: Office of the Public
Defender, Shelby County, Tennessee (Nat’l Inst. of Justice Oct. 1983)
FY2005-2006 Tennessee Weighted Caseload Study Update: District Public Defenders (Comptroller of the Treasury, Office of Research Jan. 2007)
Tennessee Public Defender Case-Weighting Study (Spangenberg Group Apr. 1999)
Justin P. Wilson, Tennessee Judicial, District Attorneys General, and
District Public Defenders Weighted Caseload Studies (Memorandum Mar.
26, 2015)
I. Resources
Resources of the Prosecution and Indigent Defense Functions in Tennessee
(Spangenberg Group May 2007)
J. Statutes and Rules
Applicable Court Rules and Statutes (Admin. Office of the Courts Nov.