In Re Kurt R. Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge John McClarty
Trial Court Judge: Judge Brian J. Hunt

This action involves the termination of a father’s parental rights to his minor children. Following a bench trial, the court found that clear and convincing evidence existed to establish the statutory grounds of severe child abuse and failure to manifest an ability and willingness to assume custody of the children. The court also found that termination was in the best interest of the children. We affirm the trial court’s termination decision.

Anderson Court of Appeals

Kevin Millen v. Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development, et al.
Authoring Judge: Per Curiam
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor JoeDae L. Jenkins

Pro se Appellant, Kevin Millen, has appealed an order of the Shelby County Chancery Court that was entered on April 19, 2024. We determine that the trial court’s order does not constitute a final appealable judgment. Therefore, this Court lacks jurisdiction to consider the appeal. The appeal is, therefore, dismissed.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Brittany Lee-Ann Stanifer v. Derrick Tyler Stanifer
Authoring Judge: Judge Carma Dennis McGee
Trial Court Judge: Judge John D. McAfee

This appeal arises from a permanent parenting plan entered after the father requested a modification of the existing plan. The father argues that the trial court failed to properly weigh the evidence when establishing the plan. However, the plan did not include a determination of child support. Thus, the order appealed is not final, and we lack subject matter jurisdiction to consider the issue raised. Accordingly, this appeal is dismissed.

Campbell Court of Appeals

In Re Mia C.
Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas R. Frierson, II
Trial Court Judge: Judge Michael Dumitru

This case involves termination of the parental rights of a biological father to his minor child. Following a bench trial, the trial court found that the statutory ground of abandonment by failure to support had been proven by clear and convincing evidence. However, the trial court declined to find that termination of the father’s rights was in the child’s best interest and accordingly denied the termination petition. The petitioners have appealed. Upon thorough review, we conclude that the trial court erred in its determination concerning the best interest analysis. Accordingly, we reverse the trial court’s denial of the termination petition, and we grant termination of the father’s parental rights.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

In Re Mia C.
Authoring Judge: Judge Jeffrey Usman
Trial Court Judge: Judge Mike Dumitru

I wholly concur with Judge Frierson’s well-reasoned conclusion that our de novo review of the underlying record in this case demonstrates that Mother and Stepfather have presented clear and convincing evidence that termination of Father’s parental rights is in Mia’s best interest. I write separately to address the important concerns raised by Judge Stafford in his thoughtful dissent.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

In Re Mia C.
Authoring Judge: Judge J. Steven Stafford
Trial Court Judge: Judge Mike Dumitru

There is much in the Majority Opinion with which I agree, including the reprehensibility of Father’s conduct toward Mother during their relationship and the inappropriate nature of his “discipline” of the Child. However, because the trial court relied heavily on witness credibility determinations in finding that the termination of Father’s parental rights was not in the Child’s best interest, I must respectfully dissent from the Majority Opinion’s decision to terminate.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

SH Trelleborg Cadence, LLC v. Thomas Smythe et al.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge J. Steven Stafford
Trial Court Judge: Judge Deana C. Hood

Tenant appeals the trial court’s determination that (1) he breached his lease by failing to pay water bills for several years and (2) the apartment complex did not breach the lease by bringing the underlying eviction proceedings. The apartment complex also appeals the trial court’s grant of only some of its attorney’s fees. Because we conclude that there was no meeting of the minds regarding the payment for water services, we reverse the trial court’s finding of a breach of contract. We further determine that Cadence is entitled to quantum meruit relief, and we remand for a determination of the reasonable value of the utilities used by the tenant. We also vacate the trial court’s award of attorney’s fees and remand for the determination and calculation of those fees allowed.

Williamson Court of Appeals

Carlton J. Ditto v. City of Chattanooga Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Kristi M. Davis
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Pamela A. Fleenor

This is an appeal from trial court proceedings in which a property owner sought to enjoin the City of Chattanooga from demolishing a condemned house. Because the property owner has since sold the property at issue to a third-party purchaser who is now renovating the property, the original property owner no longer has standing, and the issues he attempts to raise are moot. This appeal is dismissed.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

Stephen H. Bills Et Al. v. Joe B. Barton Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Jeffrey Usman
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor J. B. Cox

Litigation arose in connection with a dispute over an option agreement to purchase property.  The parties agreed to settle the case and to allow a Tennessee-licensed real estate appraiser to set the purchase price.  The purchasers, however, moved to set aside the price set by the appraiser.  Relying on the opinions of a licensed real estate broker and a different licensed appraiser, the purchasers argued that the appraiser’s valuation deviated from the required professional standards to such an extent that it fell below the relevant standard of care.  The trial court denied the motion, concluding: (1) the purchasers could not under the settlement agreement challenge the appraisal; (2) even if they could, the real estate broker’s lack of an appraisal license rendered him per se incompetent to testify; and (3) the purchasers failed to provide a declaration from their expert licensed real estate appraiser stating that the appraisal had not been conducted in accordance with professional standards.  In response to a motion to alter or amend, the trial court judge recognized that the purchasers had, in fact, provided such a declaration, but, nevertheless, denied their motion.  The purchasers appeal.  We conclude that the purchasers can challenge the appraiser’s evaluation on the limited basis that he allegedly departed from the professional standard of care.  We also conclude the Tennessee licensed real estate broker not holding a Tennessee real estate appraiser’s license does not per se render his testimony incompetent.  We also conclude that even assuming the testimony from the real estate broker is inadmissible, the purchasers have presented evidence that the appraisal was not conducted in accordance with professional standards.  Accordingly, we remand this case to the trial court for the trial court to reassess the admissibility of the real estate broker’s testimony and to determine whether the appraiser violated the professional standard of care.

Bedford Court of Appeals

Taurick Boyd v. City of Memphis ET AL
Authoring Judge: Judge Kenny Armstrong
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor JoeDae L. Jenkins

Appellee’s employment as a City of Memphis Firefighter was terminated based on an offensive post to Appellee’s Facebook page. After receiving notice of his termination, Appellee requested an appeal hearing with the City of Memphis Civil Service Commission. Following the hearing, the Commissioner issued a decision affirming the termination, and Appellee sought review in the trial court. The trial court reversed the Commissioner’s decision, finding that substantial and material evidence did not support the decision, and that the decision was arbitrary and capricious and made in violation of Appellee’s right to equal protection. The City of Memphis appeals. We vacate the trial court’s decision reversing the Commission’s termination of Appellee’s employment. The case is remanded to the trial court for entry of an order vacating the Commissioner’s decision and ordering further proceedings in compliance with this opinion.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Keetly Marc v. Jackson Eck, D.O.
Authoring Judge: Judge D. Michael Swiney
Trial Court Judge: Judge John Bennett

This appeal concerns the discovery rule. Dr. Jason C. Eck, D.O. (“Defendant”) performed spinal surgery on Keetly Marc (“Plaintiff”). On November 10, 2020, Plaintiff’s counsel, who then was representing Plaintiff only in a workers’ compensation case, received information through discovery reflecting that Plaintiff’s surgery was performed at the wrong level. Counsel reviewed the material on November 30, 2020, and informed Plaintiff by December 4, 2020. On November 24, 2021, Plaintiff sent pre-suit notice. On March 30, 2022, Plaintiff sued Defendant in the Circuit Court for Hamilton County (“the Trial Court”) alleging health care liability. Defendant filed a motion for summary judgment asserting the statute of limitations. The Trial Court granted summary judgment to Defendant. Plaintiff appeals. We hold that Plaintiff cannot be charged with constructive notice based on her attorney’s November 10, 2020, receipt of the relevant information because counsel was then representing Plaintiff only in a workers’ compensation case, and a potential health care liability claim was beyond the scope of her representation. Thus, the knowledge obtained by Plaintiff’s counsel on November 10, 2020, may not be imputed to Plaintiff. Plaintiff was made aware of the relevant information at some point from November 30, 2020, through December 4, 2020, meaning her lawsuit against Defendant was timely filed. We reverse the Trial Court’s judgment and remand for this case to proceed.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

In Re Tucker R. Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge D. Michael Swiney
Trial Court Judge: Judge Dennis "Will" Roach, II

The Juvenile Court for Jefferson County (“the Juvenile Court”) terminated the parental rights of Meliah B. (“Mother”) to her children, Tucker R., Gracelynn R., and Roland R. (“the Children”). Mother has appealed, challenging only the Juvenile Court’s finding that termination of her parental rights was in the Children’s best interest. Finding no reversible error, we affirm.

Jefferson Court of Appeals

In Re Ezerah L. et al.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge J. Steven Stafford
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Ronald Thurman

Appellant filed this petition for recusal appeal after the trial court denied a motion to recuse. In light of Appellant’s failure to comply with Rule 10B of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee, we affirm.

Putnam Court of Appeals

Shanira Lee Tankard v. Benjamin Lee Tankard, II
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Neal McBrayer
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Darrell Scarlett

A mother relocated out-of-state with her children and filed a petition to modify the existing parenting plan. The father filed a competing petition for modification. The trial court found a material change in circumstances warranting modification of the parenting plan. It crafted two modified parenting plans: one which would take effect if the mother remained out-of-state and the other which would take effect if she returned to Tennessee. The mother returned and now argues the parenting plan should not have been modified. We affirm.

Rutherford Court of Appeals

Jeffery Riley v. Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas R. Frierson, II
Trial Court Judge: Judge Amanda McClendon

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (“the Department”) denied the claimant’s claim for unemployment benefits after determining that the claimant had “voluntarily quit” his job. The claimant appealed, but the Department’s appeals tribunal denied the appeal as untimely. The claimant appealed further to the Department’s office of administrative review, which affirmed the appeals tribunal’s decision. Four years later, the claimant sought judicial review of the Department’s decision by filing a civil warrant in the Davidson County General Sessions Court (“general sessions court”). The general sessions court dismissed the civil warrant upon a motion filed by the Department, and the claimant appealed to the Davidson County Circuit Court (“trial court”). The Department moved to dismiss the action based upon (1) insufficiency of service of process, (2) lack of subject matter jurisdiction, and (3) failure to state a claim upon which relief could be granted pursuant to Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure 12.02(1), (2), (5), and (6). The trial court granted the motion to dismiss on all grounds. Discerning no reversible error, we affirm.

Davidson Court of Appeals

In Re Metric D.
Authoring Judge: Judge Andy D. Bennett
Trial Court Judge: Judge Sheila Calloway

The juvenile court terminated a mother’s and a father’s parental rights. The mother challenges the juvenile court’s finding by clear and convincing evidence that grounds for termination of her parental rights existed and that termination of her parental rights was in the child’s best interest. The father asserts that the juvenile court erred in terminating his parental rights because his due process rights were violated. Because the juvenile court erred in allowing the father’s attorney to withdraw from representation, we vacate the court’s termination of his parental rights on all grounds and remand for a new trial. We affirm the juvenile court’s termination of the mother’s parental rights.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Remmia Radhakrishnan Sukapurath v. Sajeesh Kumar Kamala Raghavan
Authoring Judge: Judge John W. McClarty
Trial Court Judge: Judge Carol J. Chumney

This is an accelerated interlocutory appeal as of right. The petitioner seeks review of the trial court’s denial of his motion for recusal. Discerning no error upon our review of the petition for recusal appeal, we affirm.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Bobby MacBryan Green v. Michael John May Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Frank G. Clement
Trial Court Judge: Judge James E. Lauderback

The issues in the former underlying action and the present controversy pertain to an easement dispute that arose from a joint driveway agreement. A final judgment in the underlying action, titled “Consent Agreement and Order” (hereinafter “the Consent Order”), was entered in July 2013, from which there was no appeal. The final judgment was also duly recorded in the office of the Washington County Register of Deeds on August 5, 2013. The only parties to the former action were the plaintiff, Bobby MacBryan Green (“Mr. Green”), and the defendant, Michael John May (“Mr. May”). In 2021, Daniel Anthony (“Mr. Anthony”) purchased the property previously owned by Mr. May. In December 2023, Mr. Green obtained and filed an order of extension with the Washington County Circuit Court to extend the judgment entered in 2013. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Green filed a motion to show cause alleging that Mr. Anthony had violated the Consent Order and personally handed the motion to Mr. Anthony. One week later, Mr. Green filed a motion for joinder of Mr. Anthony pursuant to Tennessee Rule of Civil Procedure 19, which was also hand delivered to Mr. Anthony. Mr. Anthony’s counsel made a limited appearance opposing the relief sought on multiple grounds. Following a hearing on Mr. Green’s motions, the trial court found that Mr. Anthony was not a proper or feasible party capable of being joined in the former 2013 action. Based on this finding, the court denied Mr. Green’s motion for joinder and dismissed the show cause motion as moot. Mr. Green appeals. Finding no error, we affirm the trial court in all respects. In his brief, Mr. Anthony asks this court to award him the attorney’s fees and expenses he incurred in defending this appeal, contending that the appeal is frivolous. Finding that the appeal is devoid of merit and, therefore, frivolous, we remand this matter to the trial court to award Mr. Anthony his reasonable and necessary attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in defending this frivolous appeal.

Washington Court of Appeals

Stephanie Garner v. State of Tennessee, and its agency, Tennessee Department of Correction
Authoring Judge: Judge Carma Dennis McGee
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Anne C. Martin

The plaintiff in this case sued the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Department of Correction, alleging that it refused to hire her for employment solely on the basis of her disability. The complaint asserted a single claim -- for violation of the Tennessee Disability Act, Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 8-50-103, et seq. During the three years of litigation that followed, the plaintiff’s TDA claim survived a motion for summary judgment and was eventually tried before a jury over the course of five days. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff but awarded her only $10,000 for lost wages and $5,000 for compensatory damages. The plaintiff’s counsel then sought an award of attorney fees of nearly $700,000. The Department challenged the reasonableness of the fees. After a hearing, the trial court found the requested amount was excessive and reduced it, but only by twenty-five percent, awarding counsel $511,620. Due to the lack of findings regarding the factors applicable to such decisions, we vacate the award and remand for entry of an order analyzing the relevant factors.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Jennifer Erdman v. Mark Erdman
Authoring Judge: Judge Arnold B. Goldin
Trial Court Judge: Judge Deanna B. Johnson

This appeal concerns the trial court’s denial of alimony and attorney’s fees to wife following a long-term marriage. Upon our review of the record transmitted on appeal, and for the reasons stated herein, we vacate the trial court’s denial of alimony and attorney’s fees and remand those matters for reconsideration.

Williamson Court of Appeals

Julius Summerrow v. Cara C. Welsh
Authoring Judge: Judge Frank G. Clement Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge Kyle E. Hedrick

This is a personal injury action arising from an automobile accident on a road encircling a Chattanooga mall. The case was heard before a jury, which concluded that the defendant was not at fault. The plaintiff appeals. Having determined that there is material evidence to support the jury’s verdict, we affirm.

Hamilton Court of Appeals

Nucsafe, Inc. Et Al. v. Stephen Farber Et Al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas R. Frierson, II
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor James W. Brooks, Jr.

This is an appeal from a grant of summary judgment wherein the trial court found that the plaintiff corporations were barred, based on a prior lawsuit between the same parties, from litigating their claim that a promissory note had been procured by fraudulent inducement. The defendants in the instant case, who were the plaintiffs in the prior action, had successfully moved for summary judgment in that prior action concerning the enforcement of a promissory note against the corporations, which were the defendants in the prior action. In that action, the trial court found that the corporations had waived their fraud defense b cause they had neither pled fraud as an affirmative defense in their answer nor requested permission to amend their answer. The trial court ultimately held that the promissory note was enforceable and entered judgment against the corporations. On appeal in the prior action, this Court affirmed the trial court’s judgment, including its ruling that the defense of fraud had been waived. In the present action, the corporations—now plaintiffs—sought to repudiate the same promissory note, alleging that it was induced by fraud. The trial court granted the defendants’ motion for summary judgment based on the doctrines of res judicata and collateral estoppel, as well as expiration of the applicable statute of limitations. The plaintiff corporations have appealed. Discerning no reversible error, we affirm the trial court’s judgment.

Anderson Court of Appeals

Larry E. Parrish, P.C. v. Nancy Strong et al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Jeffrey Usman
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor J. B. Cox

The Petitioner sought recusal of the trial court judge. The trial court denied the motion. The Petitioner appeals to this court. Because the petition on appeal was not filed within twenty-one days of the entry of the order, we dismiss the appeal as untimely.

Lincoln Court of Appeals

Larry E. Parrish, P.C. v. Nancy Strong et al.
Authoring Judge: Judge Jeffrey Usman
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor J.B. Cox

The Petitioner sought recusal of the trial court judge. The trial court denied the motion. The Petitioner appeals to this court. Because the petition on appeal was not filed within twenty-one days of the entry of the order, we dismiss the appeal as untimely.

Lincoln Court of Appeals

Jeremy N. Miller v. Casi A. Miller
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Neal McBrayer
Trial Court Judge: Judge Ted A. Crozier

A divorced father retired from the military.  Afterward, he received only disability pay due to service-related injuries.  The mother sought to hA divorced father retired from the military.  Afterward, he received only disability pay due to service-related injuries.  The mother sought to hold him in contempt, claiming she was denied a percentage of his military retirement benefits.  The father denied her allegations and petitioned to modify child support.  He argued that his disability pay could not be counted as income for child support purposes because federal law preempted the provision of the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines governing military disability benefits.  The trial court concluded that the father’s disability pay counted as income for child support.  On appeal, the father reiterates his preemption argument.  Because he failed to provide timely notice of his constitutional challenge to the Tennessee Attorney General and Reporter, we consider the preemption issue waived.   old him in contempt, claiming she was denied a percentage of his military retirement benefits.  The father denied her allegations and petitioned to modify child support.  He argued that his disability pay could not be counted as income for child support purposes because federal law preempted the provision of the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines governing military disability benefits.  The trial court concluded that the father’s disability pay counted as income for child support.  On appeal, the father reiterates his preemption argument.  Because he failed to provide timely notice of his constitutional challenge to the Tennessee Attorney General and Reporter, we consider the preemption issue waived.   

Montgomery Court of Appeals