State of Tennessee V. Bobby Lee Robinson, et al.

Date / Time
Thu, 10/04/2012 - 09:00 AM

Lower Court Summary:

A Davidson County jury convicted the Defendant, Bobby Lee Robinson, of possession of
more than 300 grams of cocaine with intent to sell, a Class A felony; and possession of
drug paraphernalia, a Class A misdemeanor. The jury convicted the Defendant, Jamie
Nathaniel Grimes, of possession of more than 300 grams of cocaine with intent to sell, a
Class A felony; possession of marijuana, a Class A misdemeanor; and possession of drug
paraphernalia, a Class A misdemeanor. The trial court sentenced Robinson to seventeen
years as a standard offender for the cocaine offense, and eleven months and twenty-nine
days for the misdemeanor offense, with all of the sentences to be served concurrently.
The trial court sentenced Grimes to thirty years as a multiple offender for the cocaine
offense and to eleven months and twenty-nine days for each misdemeanor offense,
ordering all of the sentences to be served concurrently. On appeal, Robinson argues that:
(1) the trial court erred when it allowed the State to introduce a redacted tape recording
and transcript of statements he made during his arrest; (2) the trial court erred when it
denied his motion for judgment of acquittal; and (3) the evidence was insufficient to
support his convictions. Grimes argues that the trial court erred when it: (1) improperly
admitted evidence about the weight of the cocaine; (2) denied his motion for disclosure of
the confidential informant’s identity; and (3) admitted a transcript of a recorded
conversation between him and the confidential informant into evidence. After reviewing
the record, the parties’ briefs, and the applicable law, we affirm the judgments of the trial
court as to both Defendants.

Supreme Court
Middle Section