City of Memphis, et al. v. Tre Hargett, et al.

Date / Time
Wed, 02/06/2013 - 09:00 AM

Lower court summary:

The City of Memphis and two persons who had to cast provisional ballots in the August 2012
election because they lacked sufficient photographic identification filed a declaratory
judgment action seeking to have the photographic identification requirement for voting
declared unconstitutional, or to have the Memphis library photographic identification card
declared sufficient identification for purposes of the voting law. The trial court found that
the plaintiffs did not have standing, that the photographic identification requirement was
constitutional and that the Memphis library photographic identification card was not
acceptable under the law as sufficient identification for voting. The plaintiffs appealed. We
find that the plaintiffs have standing, that the law is constitutional and that the Memphis
library photographic identification card is acceptable under the law as sufficient proof of
identification for voting.

Supreme Court
Middle Section