James Edwards vs. Banco Lumber

Case Number
James and Margaret Edwards ("Plaintiffs") sued Banco Lumber Company Inc., ("Banco") claiming Banco had trespassed on their property and removed timber. Banco filed a third-party complaint against Nathan Byrd, Betty Byrd, Fred Byrd, and Barbara Byrd (the "Byrds") for indemnification relying on a Timber Deed and Contract between Banco and the Byrds. Plaintiffs nonsuited their action against Banco and an Order was entered on May 16, 2000, dismissing only Plaintiffs' action. Apparently realizing this was not a final order, the Trial Court entered a "Final Order" three days later which disposed of not only Plaintiffs' claims but also Banco's third-party complaint against the Byrds. Plaintiffs re-filed their lawsuit against Banco one year and two days after the first order was entered, but less than a year after the "Final Order" was entered. Plaintiffs also sued the Byrds, for the first time, in this second complaint. The Trial Court held the entry date of the first Order should be used when determining whether the second complaint had been re-filed within the one-year time period under the "Saving Statute." The Trial Court dismissed Plaintiffs' claims against Banco and the Byrds holding the statute of limitations had run. We vacate in part and affirm in part.
Authoring Judge
Judge David Michael Swiney
Originating Judge
Jean A. Stanley
Case Name
James Edwards vs. Banco Lumber
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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