Miller vs. State


Originating Judge:Douglas A. Meyer
Hamilton County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/10/97
State vs. Bradley

Court of Criminal Appeals 10/10/97
State of Tennessee vs. Robert Lee Fleenor


The appellant, Roger Lee Fleenor, appeals the sentence imposed by the Sullivan County Criminal Court upon his plea of guilty to the offense of attempt to commit aggravated sexual battery, a class C felony. Pursuant to a negotiated plea, the appellant received a sentence of eight years as a range II offender. The manner of service of the sentence was submitted to the trial court for determination. Following a sentencing hearing, the trial court denied any form of alternative sentence and ordered that the sentence be served in the Department of Correction.
The appellant now appeals this decision.

Authoring Judge: Judge David G. Hayes
Originating Judge:Judge R. Jerry Beck
Sullivan County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/09/97
State of Tennessee vs. Quantreal Underwood


The defendant, Quantreal Underwood, was convicted of second degree murder and two counts of aggravated robbery.1 The trial court imposed a Range I, twenty-five-year sentence for second degree murder and two concurrent eight-year sentences on each count of aggravated robbery.

Authoring Judge: Judge Gary R. Wade
Originating Judge:Judge L. Terry Lafferty
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/09/97
Horace A. LaRue, and Carla LaRue, Parents and next of kin of Randall Charles LaRue, Deceased., v. 1817 Lake Incorporated, D/B/A Bonkers, Howard Tannenbaum, Ricky Chambers, Robert Archer, and Danny G. Brewer


This case arises from a motorcycle accident in which Randy LaRue, the 20-year old son of the plaintiff's, was killed. Plaintiff's sued 1817 Lake, Inc., D/B/A/ Bonkers, a Knoxville restaurant and bar, and Howard Tannenbaum, presidetn of 1817 Lake Inc., alleging that the defendant negligently and unlawfully served Randy and his companion, defendant Danny Brewer, alcoholic beverages on the evening of the accident. Plaintiffs also sued Robert Archer, the bartender who allegedly provided LaRue and Brewer with the drinks, and Ricky Chambers, the doorman on duty at Bonkers that night. The remaining defendant, Danny G. Brewer was the operator of the motor cycle at the time of the accident which resulted in Randall Charles LaRues, death.

Authoring Judge: Judge Don T. McMurray
Originating Judge:Judge Wheeler Rosenbalm
Knox County Court of Appeals 10/09/97
Wilburn v. Boyle

This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The plaintiff below appeals the trial court's dismissal of his complaint, holding that the plaintiff had not met his burden of proving that he had sustained a permanent vocational disability as a result of his work-related accident. We affirm the trial court's judgment. The plaintiff offered the testimony of himself, his brother, Bobby W ilburn; his parents, Robert and Ruth Wilburn; and Sondra Brown, the record keeper for Med- One, where plaintiff originally received medical treatment. He also submitted the deposition of plaintiff's treating physician, Dr. Jim Brasfield, and the medical report of an examining physician, Dr. Calvin Johnson, along with other documentary exhibits. The defendant offered the testimony of Brian Looney, who had been plaintiff's supervisor at Aquamine; two co-workers of the plaintiff at Aquamine, Gerald Holmes and Paul Pyle; and Robert Rinehart, the manager of Aquamine at the time of these events, as well as documentary evidence. Parties disputed whether the date of the accident was September 25 or 29, 1993, but it was eventually stipulated that adequate notice was given. Plaintiff, Mr. Looney and Mr. Pyle were assembling a pallet rack, when the plaintiff's hand was squashed between the pallet rack and the wall. Plaintiff testified that he jerked his hand out, but Mr. Pyle and Mr. Looney both testified that Mr. Looney immediately pulled the rack back, releasing the plaintiff's hand. Plaintiff further testified that he began to feel pain in his shoulder within ten to fifteen minutes after the incident and that he complained to his co-workers about it. However, all of the defendant's witnesses testified that he did not mention any shoulder pain to them until approximately three weeks after the accident. Plaintiff continued to work very long hours until October 1, 1993, as the defendant was moving from its location in Bristol, Virginia to a new office in Bristol, Tennessee. The accident occurred during the move. 2
Authoring Judge: John K. Byers, Senior Judge
Originating Judge:Hon. John S. Mclellan, III,
Knox County Workers Compensation Panel 10/08/97
Richard Hitchcock v. WaUSAu Insurance Companies, et al.

This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. section 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting of findings of fact and conclusions of law. In this appeal, the Second Injury Fund (the fund) contends (1) the evidence preponderates against the trial court's finding that the claimant is permanently and totally disabled, and (2) that it was error to approve a settlement between the employee and employer under the circumstances. The claimant contends the objection to the settlement comes too late. As discussed below, the panel has concluded both judgments should be vacated and the case remanded for further consideration. The employee or claimant, Hitchcock, is forty-two and a high school graduate. On October 14, 1993, he suffered a compensable back injury while employed as a warehouseman for the employer, Service America. He has since had three back operations. The operating surgeon has released him to return to work with lifting, twisting and bending restrictions and assigned a permanent impairment rating of twelve percent to the whole body. On September 5, 1995, the trial court approved a settlement between the claimant and his employer, whereby the claimant received permanent partial disability benefits based on forty-five percent to the body as a whole, paid in a lump sum. The fund did not participate in the settlement. The claimant's return to work has been complicated by two pre- existing conditions, blindness in one eye and limited side vision in the other, and a prior carpal tunnel release. A vocational expert testified the claimant is capable, in his disabled condition, of performing medium or light sedentary work. At the time of the trial, the claimant was in fact employed by Opryland as a cashier. After a trial in which the Second Injury Fund was the only defendant, the trial court found the claimant to be permanently and totally disabled and found the fund liable, pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. section 5-6- 28(a), for benefits at the claimant's compensation rate from the date the claimant reached maximum medical improvement from the injury until the claimant reaches age sixty-five. Appellate review is de novo upon the record of the trial court, accompanied by a presumption of correctness of the findings of fact, unless the preponderance of the evidence is otherwise. Tenn. Code Ann. section 5-6-225(e)(2). This tribunal is required to conduct an independent examination of the evidence to determine where the preponderance of the evidence lies.
Authoring Judge: Joe C. Loser, Jr., Special Judge
Originating Judge:Hon. Robert S. Brandt,
Davidson County Workers Compensation Panel 10/08/97
James C. Hise, Jr. and wife, Brenda L. Hise, State of Tennessee, Department of Transportationm Bruce Saltsman, Commissioner


James C. Hise, Jr. and wife, Brenda L. Hise sued the State of Tennessee, the Department of Transportation and its commissioner for damages in an inverse condemnation action. The complaint alleges that, after conveying a portion of their property to the state, they learned that the project adversely impacted their commercial property. The defendants filed a motion to dismiss on the basis of sovereign immunity. The motion was granted and the plaintiffs appealed.

Authoring Judge: Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge:Judge Kay S. Robilio
Shelby County Court of Appeals 10/08/97
State of Tennessee vs. Lester Lee Doyle


The defendant, Lester Lee Doyle, was convicted by a Benton County jury of driving under the influence of an intoxicant, second offense, and driving on a revoked license. The sole issue presented on appeal is whether the evidence adduced at trial is sufficient to support the jury’s verdict. We affirm the conviction.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe G. Riley
Originating Judge:Judge Julian P. Guinn
Benton County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/08/97
State of Tennessee vs. Jackie Crowe


The defendant was convicted by jury of two counts of rape and two counts of incest. He was sentenced as a Range I, standard offender to twelve (12) years for each rape conviction and to six (6) years for each incest conviction to the custody of the Department of Correction. The trial court ordered the defendant to serve the rape convictions consecutive to each other and consecutive to prior unserved sentences but concurrent with the incest convictions. The trial court also imposed fines in the amount of $25,000 for each rape conviction and $10,000 for each incest conviction.

Authoring Judge: Judge John K. Byers
Originating Judge:Judge Mayo L. Mashburn
Court of Criminal Appeals 10/08/97
State of Tennessee vs. John ParnellYaugher


The Defendant, John Parnell Yaugher, appeals as of right pursuant to Rule 3 of the Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure. The Defendant was convicted following a jury trial in Anderson County of the offense of rape of a child. On appeal, the Defendant challenges the sufficiency of the allegations in the indictment to charge an offense. Also, the Defendant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence to sustain the conviction and specifically argues that his confession was uncorroborated, that there was no proof of penetration, and that the State failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was sane at the time of the offense. Furth er, the Defendant argu es that the trial court erred in denying a motion to suppress his statement to investigators and by charging in the jury instructions the lesser grade offense of aggravated sexual battery. Finding no
error, and that the indictment and the evidence are sufficient, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas T. Woodall
Originating Judge:Judge James B. Scott, Jr.
Anderson County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/07/97
Amberjack Ltd., Inc., D/B/A Nonconnah Corporate Center, v. Fred Thompson, Individually, and D/B/A Thompson Quality Management, Inc., et al.


This lawsuit involves the breach of a lease agreement. The corporate lessee vacated the premises and stopped paying rent; consequently, the lessor filed suit. The trial court found the lessee in breach of the lease, but found the lease agreement unconscionable, held that the lessor failed to mitigate its damages, and held that the president of the corporate lessee could not be held personally liable. We affirm the trial court’s finding of a breach, but reverse its remaining findings and award the lessor damages for the entire term of the lease.

Authoring Judge: Judge Holly Kirby Lillard
Originating Judge:Judge James E. Swearengen
Shelby County Court of Appeals 10/07/97
State of Tennessee vs. Hollis G. Williams


The appellant, Hollis G. Williams (defendant), was convicted of first-degree felony murder by a jury of his peers. The State of Tennessee sought the extreme penalty of death. However, the jury set his punishment at life without the possibility of parole. The defendant presents three issues for review. He contends (a) the evidence is insufficient, as a matter of law, to support his conviction for a murder committed during an attempt to commit robbery, (b) the trial court committed error of prejudicial dimensions by ruling his two convictions for attempt to commit robbery could be used to impeach him if he opted to testify in support of his defense, and (c) the trial court committed error of prejudicial dimensions by permitting the state to introduce victim impact testimony during the sentencing hearing. After a thorough review of the record, the briefs submitted by the parties, and the law governing the issues presented for review, it is the opinion of this Court the judgment of the trial court should be affirmed.

Authoring Judge: Judge Joe B. Jones
Originating Judge:Judge Chris B. Craft
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/07/97
State of Tennessee v. Betty D. Levandowski


In this appeal,1 we must determine whether a false response from an individual to an inquiry made by a law enforcement officer constitutes a false report within the meaning of Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-16-502(a)(1) (1991). After careful review, we hold that § 39-16-502(a)(1) applies to statements volunteered or initiated by an individual but does not apply to statements made in response to inquiries by law enforcement officers. Accordingly, the judgment of the Court of Criminal Appeals is affirmed.

Authoring Judge: Justice Adolpho A. Birch, Jr.
Originating Judge:Judge R. Jerry Beck
Supreme Court 10/06/97
State of Tennessee v. Merlin Eugene Shuck


The defendant, Merlin Eugene Shuck, was convicted of one count of solicitation to commit first degree murder and two counts of solicitation to commit especially aggravated kidnaping. The defense theory at trial was entrapment, and in support of that defense, Shuck sought to introduce expert testimony from a neuropsychologist that he had suffered a cognitive decline and significant
deterioration of his cognitive abilities which rendered him more susceptible to inducement than the average person. The trial judge refused to admit the testimony finding that it would invade the province of the jury. Concluding that the trial court abused its discretion in excluding the testimony, the Court of Criminal Appeals reversed the convictions and ordered a new trial. Thereafter, we granted the State permission to appeal to consider whether expert psychological testimony about a defendant’s susceptibility to inducment is admissible under Tennessee law to establish entrapment.

Authoring Judge: Justice Frank F. Drowota, III
Originating Judge:Judge Ben W. Hooper
Cocke County Supreme Court 10/06/97
Olen Eddie Hutchison vs. State of Tennessee


The petitioner, Olen Eddie Hutchison, appeals as of right from the Campbell County Criminal Court’s denial of post-conviction relief. He was convicted in 1991 for the first degree murder of Hugh Huddleston and received the death penalty. He was also convicted of conspiracy to take a life and solicitation to commit first degreemurder for which he received a total sentence of twenty-two years. The convictions and sentences were affirmed on direct appeal. State v. Hutchison, 898 S.W.2d 161 (Tenn. 1994), cert. denied, U.S. , 116 S. Ct. 137 (1995). We affirm the denial of postconviction

Authoring Judge: Judge Joseph M. Tipton
Originating Judge:Judge J. Curwood Witt
Campbell County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/03/97
Billy Frank Henley and Joe H. Marlow v. Dale Dotson and wife Elsie Dotson


This matter appears appropriate for consideration pursuant to Rule 10(b) of the Rules of the Court of Appeals of Tennessee.1 The plaintiffs in this case, Billy Frank Henley (“Henley”) and Joe H. Marlow (“Marlow”), own tracts of farm land in Coffee County, Tennessee. Henley acquired his land in 1992 from his brother, Clarence Henley, and his sister-in-law, Nona Mae Henley. Clarence and Nona Mae Henley had acquired the property from his parents in 1974. His parents had owned the property since 1957. Marlow acquired one tract of land at issue in 1973 and another tract of land at issue in 1975. The plaintiffs claim that a road separates their land from that of the defendants, Dale and Elsie Dotson (“Dotson”).

Authoring Judge: Judge Holly Kirby Lillard
Originating Judge:Chancellor Gerald L. Ewell, Sr.
Coffee County Court of Appeals 10/03/97
Nancy Renee McReynolds (Delbridge) v. Robert Irving McReynolds


NancyReneeMcReynolds Delbridge (Mother) appeals the trial court’s order denying
her counterpetition to modify the joint custody arrangement previously agreed to by the
parties and set forth in their final divorce decree. For the reasons stated hereinafter, we
affirm the trial court’s judgment.

Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge:Chancellor Tyrus H. Cobb
Bedford County Court of Appeals 10/03/97
Deborah Murray, Administrator Ad Litem of the estate of Terrance Murray and as Next of Kin of Terrance Murray, v. Jeremy A. Bryant, LilliaMn Bryant-Miller, Kathy Herbst, Charllie Herbst and Metro Govt of Nashville, et al.


This is an action for damages against the Metropolitan Government and other Defendants, alleging that they are liable for the death of Plaintiff’s son, Terrance Murray, who was shot and killed by a fellow student while attending J. T. Moore Middle School in Nashville, Tennessee, on April 21, 1994.

Authoring Judge: Senior Judge William H. Inman
Originating Judge:Judge Barbara N. Haynes
Davidson County Court of Appeals 10/03/97
Outdoor Source, Inc., v. Outdoor Entertainment, Inc.


This court entered an order on 13 August 1997 in the above styled case. Defendant/appellee, Outdoor Entertainment, Inc. (“OEI”), filed a petition for rehearing on 25 August 1997. It is the opinion of this court that the petition should be denied.

Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Henry F. Todd
Court of Appeals 10/03/97
Whitney Stegall v. Dottie Lou Pryor, Benton M. Mason Jr., Hugh Burton Mason, et al. - Concurring


V. R. Mason died testate on October 29, 1995. The executor, Richard F. LaRoche, Jr., propounded the will for probate; in the ease of language it provided for the payment of debts and taxes and created a trust for a family cemetery, with the remainder to pass under the laws of intestate succession.

Authoring Judge: Judge William H. Inman
Originating Judge:Chancellor Tom E. Gray
Rutherford County Court of Appeals 10/03/97
James O. Wright, Jr., v. Kathy Wright (Stovall)


This is a child custody case. The parties had entered into a Marital Dissolution Agreement in which they had joint custody of the minor child. After the father’s remarriage, both the mother and father filed petitions seeking custody. The father now appeals the trial court’s order awarding sole custody of the parties’ child to the mother. We affirm.

Authoring Judge: Judge Holly Kirby Lillard
Originating Judge:Judge Muriel Robinson
Davidson County Court of Appeals 10/03/97
Jordan Bair, Minor B/N/F and Parent, Mark Baird, v. John Doe



This matter appears appropriate for consideration pursuant to Rule 10(a) of the Rules of the Court of Appeals of Tennessee.1

Authoring Judge: Judge Holly Kirby Lillard
Originating Judge:Judge Leonard W. Martin
Dickson County Court of Appeals 10/03/97
Diana Morris v. State of Tennessee


This action was filed October 15, 1992 before the Tennessee Claims Commission. The plaintiff sought two-fold relief: (1) benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Law, TENN. CODE ANN. § 50-6-101 et seq., and (2) damages for the tort of alleged retaliatory discharge for filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, as allegedly authorized by TENN. CODE ANN. § 9-8-301 et seq. The claims were bifurcated.

Authoring Judge: Senior Judge William H. Inman
Originating Judge:Commissioner W. R. Baker
Davidson County Court of Appeals 10/03/97
State of Tennessee vs. Telly M. Slayon


On February 10, 1995, Appellant Telly Slayton was found guilty by a Shelby County Criminal Court jury of murder in the perpetration of robbery in violation of Tennessee Code Annotated Section 39-13-202(2) (Supp. 1996). The trial court ordered a sentence of life imprisonment. On appeal, Appellant raises three issues for review: (1) whether the evidence presented at trial was sufficient as a matter of law to sustain the conviction ; (2) whether the trial court erred in overruling Appellant’s motion to suppress his statement given to police officers; and (3) whether the trial court erred in admitting, over Appellant’s objection, a photograph of the victim taken while the victim was alive. After a review of the record, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.

Authoring Judge: Judge Jerry L. Smith
Originating Judge:Judge John P. Colton, Jr.
Shelby County Court of Criminal Appeals 10/02/97